¿Cuánto sabes de comparativos? ¿Cuánto sabes de comparativos? Tu email: Tu nombre: Si, acepto la política de privacidad Pruebate! 1. My sister is _____ I am (tall) More taller thanMore tall thanTaller thanMost tall than 2. Jack can swim a lot __________ than I can – (good) gooderbettermore goodmore better 3. Food in this restaurant is ______________ than I thought – (expensive) more expensiveexpensivermore expensiveras expensive 4. You don’t look ____________ your brother – (old) oldermore older thanmore oldolder than 5. Peter’s bike is ________ than mine – (bad) badderworsemore badmore worse 6. You learnt the lesson _________ the rest of the class – (fast) faster thanmore fast thanfastter thanmore faster than 7. Leaving in the country is __________ living in London. (cheap) more cheapmore cheaper thancheaper thancheaper 8. Marion seems to be ___________ than her older brother – (mature) more maturermaturerthe more maturemore mature 9. This new car is _________ my old one!! – (slowly) slowlier thanmore slowly thanslowlyermore slowlier than 10. The door was ______________ I expected and the wheelchair didn’t go through (narrow) narrower thanmore narrow thanmore narrower thanthe narrower than 11. The children used to be _____________ than they seem to be nowadays (happy) more happyhappiermore happierhappier than 12. This project needs people with ______________ minds – (wide) more widerwider thanwidermore wide 13. How much __________ do we have to walk? (far) farerfarthermore farfarther than 14. The exam was __________ than we all thought (hard) hardermore hardmore harderthe more hard 15. When you run, why do you breathe ____________ ? – (quickly) quickliermore quicklythe more quicklymore quicklier Loading… Clasificación [watuproplay-leaderboard quiz top 10 points 835 period=”all”]